When most people think about growing flowers, they think about the fresh buds of spring florals or the vibrant shades of summer blooms. But flowers aren’t just for the warmer months – there are plenty of beautiful flowers to enjoy in the winter too.

Sowing your flowers in January is a great way to get ahead for the rest of the year, with some surprising combinations that will look spectacular in your home, garden or office space. Take a look at our guide to January flowers and get the year off to a blossoming start. 

Plants that flower in January 

While the trees may be bare at this time of year, some flowers may make an appearance. Some of the plants that flower in January include: 

  • Daffodils 
  • Snowdrops 
  • Anthuriums 
  • Honeysuckle 
  • Narcissus 
  • Pansies  
  • Winter heather 

Conditions tend to be wetter in the winter months, but if there is a dry spell, these flowers will need some watering to help them thrive. Keep the soil moist but don’t water more than you need to.  


What to sow in January 

January is also the perfect time to get ahead of your spring garden. Even though the temperatures are still cold, you can still start sowing seeds indoors to help you have some buds ready for spring. 

There are several items you’ll need to help you grow your seedlings in warm conditions, including a heated propagator, cold frames and support. You can keep your potted seeds indoors near a windowsill, or you could use your greenhouse if you have one. 

Some of the best flower seeds to sow in January include: 

  • Begonias 
  • Pelargoniums 
  • Lobelias 
  • Salvias 
  • Sweet peas 
  • Geraniums 
  • Dahlias 
  • Delphiniums 

As the temperatures get milder, you can also start planting lily bulbs ready for them to start flowering in late spring/early summer. 


Tips for planting seeds in January 

Sowing seeds in January can help you get started on your spring garden, and it’s easier than you might think. Some great tips for planting seeds in January include: 


Make some pots out of things you have around the house 

Finding the right pots for your seeds will help you give them a great start. And the good news is that you don’t have to go rushing out to your nearest garden centre to buy pots. There are several items you might already have around the house that can make excellent pots for your seedlings, including: 

  • Yoghurt pots 
  • Pots made from newspapers 
  • Eggshells 
  • Food containers (including noodle or soup pots) 


Re-using your household items can help you save waste and do your bit for the environment, helping you take a more sustainable approach to potting your seeds. 


Find the ideal spot for your seedlings 

Next, you will need to find the right spot for your seedlings. Most people choose a windowsill – somewhere where the seedlings can get enough warmth and light to help them germinate. You could also use a greenhouse if it is insulated enough. 


Label your pots 

Remember to label your pots to help you remember what is in each one – this will help you in the coming months as you move them to larger pots and plant them in your garden. 


Cover your seeds 

Once your seeds have been planted, you should cover them using either a propagator lid or using an alternative like a sheet of glass. This can help the germination process, and the lid can be removed once the seedlings start to appear. 


Store your seeds according to their needs

Different seeds have different needs, so it’s important to get to know them as much as possible. Some seeds will thrive just fine being kept on a windowsill, while some may benefit from a little warmth from an airing cupboard or similar dry environment.  


Help them thrive after germination 

Once the seedlings have begun to emerge, you can then move them into the light and ensure they’re watered regularly. As they grow and the weather grows milder, they can be moved into larger individual pots and placed outdoors. 


Protecting your plants during the colder months 

While you may be focused on growing new flowers in January, don’t forget about your existing plants. The temperatures can dip significantly in the winter, meaning extra protection is essential to protect plants from frost. Providing shelter, adding some fleece and even bringing some plants indoors can protect them from the coldest weather, ready to thrive again in the spring.  


Plant design and maintenance year-round with phs Greenleaf

Caring for your flowers is important year-round, but it’s not always easy. Fortunately, phs Greenleaf is here to help you with your planting needs. Plants and flowers are a welcome sight, helping to attract customers and make your space more appealing. If you need help with plant design and maintenance, phs Greenleaf can help. Make a design statement with outdoor plant displays suitable for different seasons and get the help you need to maintain them. 

Contact phs Greenleaf today for more information about our plant and displays services and get ready to add a new floral touch to your business.

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